Wednesday, March 5, 2008

#8 Make Life Simple...

Ok, kids. I don't know about anyone else, but I have a headache now. Number 8 is tough. Again I just don't see how this will fit into my life on a daily basis. I can't keep up with my metalsmithing thread - Ganoskin -- I'm only behind about 4 months. So I just can't imagine keeping up with all these blogs. aaACCKK.

I feel like I'm at the Martha Stewart computer school and I am failing. Don't get me wrong, I won't quit, but it is difficult wading through the sites and terminology.

Looking back, it is also appears that all I do is whine. Who wants to read this? Not me. Just voicing my frustration.... sad face here...


SPLSLearning2.0 said...

I got a kick out of your post. Very funny. But you've made progress by just taking a look at the "things". Don't worry about being proficient while working on the items. Think about building brain cells :) Anna L

Alice in Libraryland said...

I think whining's ok when it's leavened with humor--which yours is! I do a lot of that myself.